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This is the metadata for the main output directly produced by ITF Global Urban Passenger model.

Organization: International Transport Forum (ITF)

Contact: mallory.trouve@itf-oecd.org




Availability: Public Data, Collaborators only, Proprietary/commercial

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Perspectives on India Energy based on Rumi (PIER) model output

Organization: Prayas (Energy Group) or PEG

Contact: energy.model@prayaspune.org




Availability: Public Data, Cite and acknowledge required

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This is an example of exogenous data input for the MISO2 model.
MISO2 is currently under development.
A previous model version can be found under DOI

Organization: Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)

Contact: jan.streeck@boku.ac.at




Availability: Public Data, Collaborators only, Proprietary/commercial

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JMIP model results

Organization: Japan Model Inter-comparision Project (JMIP)





Availability: Public Data, Cite and acknowledge required

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These data are ingested by the setup/calibration code for MESSAGEix-Transport.
This code takes an instance (“scenario”) of the MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM global model and alters it to add the detailed transport structure.
See the description `messageix-transport-core.yaml` for the data in the core model formulation. Data that exactly matches the core formulation can also be used as input; this file describes non-core data that can be transformed/used with existing code & methods.
This setup code was originally developed for use with data from the US-TIMES and MA³T models.

Organization: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Contact: kishimot@iiasa.ac.at





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These are the data represented in the model core of MESSAGEix-Transport. This model uses the same, generic MESSAGE mathematical formulation as the MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM global model (without transport detail), and so this data description also applies to other instances (“scenarios”) of that model.

All of the core data are available directly as output, as well as aggregated and derived quantities.

Organization: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Contact: kishimot@iiasa.ac.at





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The Climate Policy Database is a collaborative effort to track policy adoption and identify global and national policy coverage gaps. The objective of the portal is to provide an open, collaborative platform for quick information access, policy analysis and good-practice sharing.

Organization: NewClimate Institute

Contact: policydb@newclimate.org




Availability: Public Data

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Scenario data of the Japan model intercomparison project (JMIP) on long-term climate policy. Based on integrated assessment models and energy systems models.

Organization: University of Tokyo

Contact: masahiro@ifi.u-tokyo.ac.jp




Availability: Public Data

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Organization: Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)






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The data set contains data on the level of societal material stocks for 18 stock-building materials (i.e. bricks, container glass, flat glass, concrete, asphalt, paper, wood, iron & steel, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, chromium, manganese, nickel, tin, plastics, aggregates), 178 countries, 1900-2016 in 15 end-use sectors. Data uncertainty is reported as [still in development]. Data generated by model MISO2 (documentation in progress; for documentation of MISO1 see Wiedenhofer, Dominik, et al. “Integrating material stock dynamics into economy-wide material flow accounting: concepts, modelling, and global application for 1900–2050.” Ecological economics 156 (2019): 121-133.)

Organization: Unversity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Contact: jan.streeck@boku.ac.at




Availability: Public Data

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In our Energy Sufficiency Policy Database we compile and categorise numerous sufficiency policy instruments for all sectors that were collected from various sources. With the policy database we aim at providing decision makers from politics, administrations and the civil society with a tool to plan and implement sufficiency policy measures. We also address the energy system and climate modelling community.

Organization: Oeko-Institut

Contact: c.zell-ziegler@oeko.de




Availability: Public Data

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The Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) is a group of 65 central banks and supervisors and 83 observers committed to sharing best practices, contributing to the development of climate– and environment–related risk management in the financial sector and mobilising mainstream finance to support the transition toward a sustainable economy.

This Scenario Explorer is a web-based user interface for transition scenario results selected for the NGFS. This provides intuitive visualizations & display of timeseries data and download of the data in multiple formats. This Scenario Explorer hosts the NGFS scenarios, which were produced by NGFS Workstream 3 in partnership with an academic consortium from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), University of Maryland (UMD), Climate Analytics (CA), the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR). This work was made possible by grants from Bloomberg Philanthropies and ClimateWorks Foundation.

The bespoke scenarios developed in Phase 3 of this project are generated by state-of-the-art well-established integrated assessment models (IAMs), namely GCAM, MESSAGE-GLOBIOM and REMIND-MAgPIE. These models allow the estimation of global and regional mitigation costs, the analysis of energy system transition characteristics, the quantification of investments required to transform the energy system, and the identification of synergies and trade-off of sustainable development pathways.

Organization: IIASA/NGFS

Contact: vruijven@iiasa.ac.at




Availability: Public Data

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Data Link Format: Custom interface but data can be exported to xlsx.

The PFU database contains time series from 1900 through 2014 of primary energy/exergy, final energy/exergy and useful energy/exergy. The data are organized:
1. Geographically: on the lowest level by 15 countries and 5 other regions. They are aggregated into the 5 global regions in accordance with the Global Energy Assessment.
2. by energy carrier: into 12 energy carrier categories
3. by sector: industry; transport; the aggregate of commercial, residential, agriculture, public and other; and non-energy uses
4. by end-use: thermal uses (high-temperature and low-temperature), light, stationary power, transport, feedstocks and other end-uses

An update is underway.

Organization: IIASA

Contact: simon.destercke@aya.yale.edu




Availability: Public Data

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EUBUCCO is a scientific database of individual building footprints for 200+ million buildings across the 27 European Union countries and Switzerland, together with three main attributes – building type, height and construction year – included for respectively 45%, 74%, 24% of the buildings. EUBUCCO is composed of 50 open government datasets and OpenStreetMap that have been collected, harmonized and partly validated.

Organization: MCC Berlin

Contact: creutzig@mcc-berlin.net




Availability: Public Data

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cost and potential for all demand-side sectors

Organization: Jingjing Zhang

Contact: jingjingzhang@lbl.gov

Measure: Economic

Dimension: Space

Scope: Global

Availability: Upon Request

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UN Habitat datasets on housing, settlements, population (development), open and green spaces, transport alternatives, prosperity, accessibility of need satisfiers, sanitation, etc., quality of life, economic indicators, spatial growth, social inclusion

Organization: UN Habitat


Measure: Urban indicators

Dimension: Time

Scope: Global

Availability: Public Data

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The construction materials used in buildings have large and growing implications for global material flows and emissions. Material Intensity (MI) is a metric that measures the mass of construction materials per unit of a building’s floor area. MIs are used to model buildings’ materials and assess their resource use and environmental performance, critical to global climate commitments. However, MI data availability and quality are inconsistent, incomparable, and limited, especially for regions in the Global South. To address these challenges, we present the Regional Assessment of buildings’ Material Intensities (RASMI), a new dataset and accompanying method of comprehensive and consistent representative MI value ranges that embody the variability inherent in buildings. RASMI consists of 3072 MI ranges for 8 construction materials in 12 building structure and function types across 32 regions covering the entire world. The dataset is reproducible, traceable, and updatable, using synthetic data when required. It can be used for estimating historical and future material flows and emissions, assessing demolition waste and at-risk stocks, and evaluating urban mining potentials.


Contact: t.fishman@cml.leidenuniv.nl

Measure: Material composition of buildings

Dimension: Time

Scope: Global

Availability: Public Data

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This is a set of data on energy security indicators presented in the Supplementary Materials of the paper: Bento N., Grubler A., Boza-Kiss B., De Stercke S., Krey V., McCollum D., Zimm C., Alves T. (2024). Greater leverage for energy security with demand-side policies. Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.adj6150.

Organization: ISCTE

Contact: nuno.bento@iscte-iul.pt

Measure: Variety of energy security indicators

Dimension: Other

Scope: 12 countries

Availability: Public Data

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The data set contains data on the level of societal material stocks and flows for 20 stock-building materials (i.e. bricks, container glass, flat glass, concrete, asphalt, bitumen, paper, wood, iron & steel, aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, chromium, manganese, nickel, tin, plastics, aggregates, downcycled construction materials), 177 countries, 1900-2016 in 14 end-use product groups. Data generated by model MISO2 (preprint, in review: Wiedenhofer, Dominik and Streeck, Jan and Wieland, Hanspeter and Grammer, Benedikt and Baumgart, Andre and Plank, Barbara and Helbig, Christoph and Pauliuk, Stefan and Haberl, Helmut and Krausmann, Fridolin, From Extraction to End-uses and Waste Management: Modelling Economy-wide Material Cycles and Stock Dynamics Around the World (April 15, 2024). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4794611 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4794611)

Organization: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Contact: dominik.wiedenhofer@boku.ac.at

Measure: Material consumption

Dimension: Space, Time, Time

Scope: Global, historical 1900-2016, Global

Availability: Upon Request

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In our Energy Sufficiency Policy Database we compile and categorise numerous sufficiency policy instruments for all sectors that were collected from various sources. With the policy database we aim at providing decision makers from politics, administrations and the civil society with a tool to plan and implement sufficiency policy measures. We also address the energy system and climate modelling community.

Organization: Oeko-Institut

Contact: c.zell-ziegler@oeko.de

Measure: Description of policy instrument

Dimension: Other

Scope: Global

Availability: Public Data

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